Mambo Taverna, Ionische Inseln, Griechenland --> Port Gaios is the main harbour of the island of Paxos in the Ionian Sea of Greece. It lies just over half way down the NE coast of the island and consists of a long and remarkable natural inlet, protected by the island of St Nicholas immediately E of the harbour and with the addition of artificial breakwaters at its N and S ends. The town’s picturesque setting and unique geography have made it deservedly popular and during the season it is crammed full of day trippers from Corfu and the mainland and busy with yachtsmen of all nationalities, especially Italians. In spite of its bustle and sometimes frenetic atmosphere, it is usually possible to find a mooring space somewhere along its 1,000 metres and more of quays or anchored stern-to St Nicholas island itself. Note that two sections of the town quays are off limits to yachts between the hours of 1000 and 1700 in order to accommodate the tripper boats. Shelter in the harbour is excellent in most conditions, although strong SE winds make the S part of the harbour very uncomfortable.
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